Porfavor, porfavor...
Puedo ser patetica una vez más
puedo asumir que es sobre mi?
puedo admitir que husmeo en tu blog con frecuencia
dime que esto es una mala broma.
porfavor, insultame, riete, pero di que es solo mi egocentrismo, que no escribirias eso sobre mi
que no gastarias palabras....
di que es solo mi imaginacion, que son coincidencias
que malinterpreto todo, como siempre
que sigo humillandome cada vez más, tan solo con adimtirlo...
porfavor, repiteme que me odias
porque es tan facil creerlo...
por favor...
come on, you know this is just a lie, just another fucking lie, you know it, then why you keep trying and trying! why can´t you leave things just the way they are!! I've never meant nothing to you, I don't mean nothing to you now, and I will never mean nothing to you either, then why can't you just shut the fuck up and get fucking lost!! IM TOTALLY FUCKED UP, I DON'T WANNA KNOW NOTHING MORE,I HATE EVERYONE, I HATE ALL THE FUCKING WORLD, I HATE YOU, I HATE MYSELF FOR BELIEVING YOU, I HATE MYSELF FOR LOVING YOU, I HATE MYSELF FOR THINKING THAT I COULD CONTINUE ALONE!! HOW THE FUCK I'M SUPPOSED TO LIVE NOW, AH?!? TELL ME!!! OPEN THE FUCKING MOUTH AND TELL ME!!!
i hope you never read this.
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